* INworLd Main Store       Farms and ROleplay SIms    USING ARALIFE  


* We recommend using our in world store for purchases which offer a lower price and easier updating and gifts.

System currently being updated to version 2.0. Some pack updates already sent out. Check your inventory and use those. Old version will not work once updates are complete and Mega pack version sent out. 

We will be adding a section to the website that can list independant regular system farms as well as a section to list Roleplay sims using our system. https://www.arallyn.com/farms_roleplay_sims/

ARALIFE FARMING: (Second Life Version).

ARALIFE is a farming system that is much lower in cost to purchase and enjoy than other farming systems on second life that focus on nickel and diming users out of as much linden and money as they can with so many separate items that cost 300+ linden each, rather than developing and providing a system to be enjoyed.  

Aralife has packs for focused production, as well as new expansions. 

Simple, enjoyable and cost effective. Many packs have aspects that are copyable to make your home farm enjoyable. the three Fields of the Core Farmers Pack, work independant and you can start planting 15 different crops. You can rez the crop above the field and also copy it to inventory in order to save them to rez unlimited over your own field prim. That’s right, unlimited crops. Not 100L or more PER CROP Like other systems. you get all 15 in the CORE FARMERS PACK.  You also get the germinator, oven to cook and bake, and water well. (no copy).

The Livestock pack has a rezzer to change between cow, horse, turkey and other animals. You do not have to waste linden buying more of the same animals. Take copies as well, rez them as needed to design your barns and livestock areas. 

The Tree and juicer pack has trees and you can rez and move them to spots, or leave on rezzer to swap tree to pick fruits or nuts in order to conserve prim. The rezzer and trees are copiable (Don’t you just love that!). However the juicer to make pitchers of juices are not. Additional juicers can be purchased at a low cost.

There are other regular packs to expand your farming enjoyment.


*The SIM OWNERS MEGA PACK is aimed at roleplay or sim owners who want to have the ability to create larger scale farmers within their lands. Most of the makers are copy versions so additional do not need to be purchased to expand to a large scale roleplay set up. The pack also includes items not in regular packs, market stand items to create vendors and much more. Updates to items will be sent out, and later add-ons discounted to MEGA pack owners. 



All main packs are begin updated to version 2.0. The [Aralife} maker or product name will no longer be displayed. All main makers and crops will use the new tagging system. Makers will use [**] Maker name  crops and products will use {*] name. THis will make things cleaner and blend into your lands and Roleplay sims if a mega pack user. 

Some makers will change. Such as the Beehive. The behive you now will select Wax or Honey to produce. 

SEEDLINGS will be replaced with individual seed packs for each main crop in the core pack. You will no longer use the germinator in the core pack, but the seed maker. The seed maker has 3 trays, each can make a bag of seeds. Each takes 24 hours for the cleaning and drying cycle.

Some packs such as ale pack and vineyard will stil luse germinators for the hops seedlings and grape seedlings. Barely is on the main core field.

OVENS will be re-released with a built in update script. When new recipes are added to the menus and design, i will cue them to update. WHen you update from that version forth, you can select update now replacing the oven with a new version.


The [Aralife Store & Market] is a place to purchase packs of the main system as well as get products and trade. You can deposit items in the drop box to receive coins.


  1. Rez all produce and supplies to deposit on the ground first to change item to you as last owner.
  2. take back into inventory.
  3. deposit into drop box in market entrance area. (edit box and move from inventory into the contents tab of box or hold CNTRL KEY+left mouse button down and drag from inventory window onto the box-then let go.

A store keeper will sort the items and pay the person who deposited it based on the last owner of item (hence rez first take back). Items will be stocked.


Don’t over produce because over abundant items won’t be paid for until needed. 



The Ara Bank is located next to the market building in the village. Here you can transfer coins/currency to other aralife players, even when they are not online. The bag you wear restricts you to sending to their account when they are near you, but the bank does not. 

You can also exchange linden for aralife coins/currency at the atm. 



(A living world of farming and more)

Grow crops, care for animals, and make many items.

    1. Wear the Meter – Select Gender voice. Let it configure

    2. Detach the meter – then re-attach it. It will reload

    3. Wear (add) bag – Touch it on screen – if a menu does not appear with [CONTENT] take off put on and retry.

    4. Wear (add) Coin Purse – Touch – then re-wear to confirm its registry.


Read the included documentation for information on using the system. Ask a manager to help you learn the farming, cooking, crafting. The system works similar across all parts and is easy to learn.

NOTE: You need to wear your meter when farming or you will not earn EXP- Level and any level bonuses or promotions. 

You however do not need to wear the Bag and coin purse as those only tell you information in local chat when you check contents or will allow you to transfer bag items or coin to other players near you. 



In order to acquire Venison for cooking, you must hunt the deer on the main Aralife sim. The deer is located in the corner SW part of the sim in the lower woods below the dwarf city and mines. 

You must use a slow fire standard damage bow to hunt it. Cheap spellfire bows will work with standard shots. Do not use rapid fire weapons (they are detected and can block future hunting).

Once the deer is killed, the person with the most damage can touch the deer and click MEAT to retrieve DA MEAT. when that meet it rezzed it will convert to [*] Venison for use.



Fishing is done on our sim around the lake. Water bubble pools will appear in random spots indicating where to fish. When you sit on that spot you will begin to fish. TImes to catch a fish are not always to same so some patience is needed. Fish is used in updated recipes in the V1.7 oven as well as for the 2024 ASIAN pack that will use fish to make sushi and sashimi. 

In back of the Aralife town Tavern across the bridge are spots for Salmon. Further along the lake near reeds you can fish Catfish, further down the lake around the right side behind the hunters tent you can fish TUna, or you can use the boat near the tavern (must move boat out then stand and right click and sit on the pillow until it animates you to fish. Stay siting on fishing spots until you receive fish. it can take anywhere between 5-30 minutes per fish.  



The meter simulates life. Hunger, Thirst, Energy, Fatigue will decrease with time. Others decrease if main stats are low or injured in combat duels. 




H (Hunger) – T (Thirst) – F (Fatigue) – S (Sick Not used at this time)

All stats should be 100% to be healthy. 0 means depleted.



HP: is your main health. THis will decrease only if main stats are too low or hit zero. You can restore them with HP potions from healers or making them in the healers pack. You can also go to the Healers clinic on the main sim to purchase potions with coins or use the healers bed. 

Energy: decreases over time, from running long periods, and in combat to land strikes. Restored with Energy Rings or Pendants, Energy Candles, Coffee. 

Blood: Lost if all main stats are depleted or during optional combat from injuries. Restored with Blood Potions or Transfusion bed (healers clinic or Healers pack).

Hunger: Over time you loose the stat and become hungry. Eating any Aralife food will restore it. Main meals restore 100% per serving. Breads, Desert, Boiled Eggs restore upto 50%. maintain more than 29% when possible.

Thirst: Decreases over time. WHen you are thirsty, drink juices which restore 100% of fluids and Electrolytes. Other drinks also restore some such as wine, coffee, mead, ale, but less as those driks restore other stats in conjunction such as energy, fatigue

Fatigue: decreases in time as you become tired during day. Low energy will deplete it even fast and vice versa.  Use the Bed Prim included with the meter pack to restore it. You can also use calming candles to restore it.  THere is an inn/tavern at the end of the road at the main village with beds upstairs to use as well. 








DONATIONS: To help cover costs of Aralife farming production and sim. You can donate at the Donation board at the main product store. 


About Us

Arallyn (c) is a world created by author Drake Alexander (pen name of Kurt Eric Wood).

Aralife (c) ™ is a game based system including farming, crafting, mining, cooking, and combat now public on Second Life. THis system can be used by anyone purchasing the packs and meter. It is aimed at those who like to have their own simple to use and affordable farming. 

Additional owned names include (all materials from the books, lore, locations of Arallyn. Aralife, Aralife Farming, Arrallyn gaming, AuraLife, Aura Farming, as protected by law (Texas, California, United States and international Trade.)

We provide a warm place for secondlife users to venture as well as Farming aspects for roleplay in secondlife.
